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Date of Publication201801
PublisherAfrican Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Number of Pages67 pages
Geographical CoverageAfrique
KeywordsRegional integration for food security, Leadership for food security and economic transformation, Food security in Africa:, African woman entrepreneur, Moringa based small scale enterprise, Agriculture and Private Investments, Africa Agriculture and Trade Investment Fund, INNOVATION AND TECHNOLOGY IN AGRICULTURE, REFORMS AND CONFLICTS MANAGEMENT IN AGRICULTURE, PRIVATE INVESTMENTS AND AGRICULTURAL VALUE CHAINS, NATIONAL AND REGIONAL EFFORTS AGAINST FOOD INSECURITY
AbstractAfrica is a continent of large uncultivated land and untapped water resources with the capacity to feed Africans and even export the surplus. Despite this abundance in natural resources, Africa spends tens of billions annually on food imports. This underperformance of African agriculture retains the continent in food insecurity with endemic food crisis and extreme poverty. With the African population projected to double by 2050, unlocking the potential of African agriculture has become critical for African countries. In 2003, in the framework of the 'Maputo Declaration on Agriculture and Food Security', African heads of state committed to achieve at least 6 percent annual agricultural growth. This commitment guided several actions and initiatives to stimulate agricultural growth through increased investment in agriculture and development of agricultural led-innovations. To support these initiatives, the African Capacity Building Foundation and the African Development Bank developed knowledge products in the framework of the African Community of Practice on Managing for Development Results to share insights, good practices and success stories in agriculture and food security. This compendium attempts to compile these knowledge products in a succinct way, making the utilization of their content easier and faster. Key recommendations from the case studies include the need to (i) turn smallholder agriculture into commercial agriculture, (ii) promote science and technology to transform African agriculture, (iii) invest in capacity building of human resources in agriculture, (iv) ensure more political commitment and public investment in agriculture, and (v) close the infrastructure gap that supports the sector.
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