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TitreFCI Annual Review 2020: We are Living in Disruptive Times
Date de publication2020
ÉditeurAfreximbank, Factors Chain International (FCI)
Nombre de pages32
Couverture géographiqueAfrica, International
Mots clésEducation and Factoring, Factoring Turnover by Country/Territory in 2019, Total Factoring Volume by Country/Territory in the Last 7 Years, Factoring Statistics
RésuméOne would think that the Factoring Industry has some significant forces to be able to repel the growing tide of disruption around the world. As you can see, we are living in disruptive times. However, as you will hear in the coming months, FCI will roll out a new 5-year strategic plan to address many of these issues and attempt to steer the association into a brighter future! And for those who are reading this Annual Review for the first time, we hope that this important annual publication will give you an in depth view of the magnitude and importance that our Industry holds today, and the opportunities for you to help spread the seeds of factoring to all corners of the world.
Détenteur du copyrightFactors Chain International (FCI)
Copyright URL
Taille du fichier19398875 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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