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TitreReducing Gender Inequalities in the Rural Economy: Tanzania’s Experience
ThèmeGender Equality
Date de publication2017080
ÉditeurAfrican Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Nombre de pages6 pages
Couverture géographiqueTanzania
Mots clésRural Women and Economy, Tanzania Women’s Bank
RésuméTanzania remains a primarily rural country with an agriculture-based economy and wide rural–urban and interregional socioeconomic disparities. Rural women face greater difficulties than men in translating their labor into gainful and productive work that could ultimately reduce poverty and enhance food security. Despite the crucial role of women in the rural economy, their access to productive resources is more limited than that of their male counterparts. This case study, focusing on gender inequalities in Tanzania’s rural economy, is based on a review of the secondary literature. Key findings: Tanzania has an enabling environment for promoting gender equalities in the rural economy, though constraints—including income poverty, sociocultural conditions, and limited access to productive resources—prevent full gender equality. Implementation of diversified sectoral programs has the potential to foster gender equality in different ways. Main conclusions: The role of the government goes beyond formulating policies and plans to developing concrete programs on increasing gender equality, especially in the rural economy, though the current ones have already helped narrow such inequality. Main recommendations: Access to productive resources should be central to gender-related development programs: for example, access to land for women is crucial. The government should ensure such access by reducing gender discrimination in land ownership and by safeguarding the interests of women from the negative influences of large land investors. It is also important to support, through advocacy and capacity building, diversified gender equality programs in key sectors like agriculture and finance.
Détenteur du copyrightAfrican Community of Practice (AfCoP)
Copyright URL
Taille du fichier600176 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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