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TitreFast-Tracking Development: A Building Blocks Approach for Digital Public Goods
AuteurAnit Mukherjee and Shankar Maruwada
ThèmeDigital transformation
Date de publication2021
ÉditeurCenter for Global Development
RésuméThe world is undergoing rapid digital transformation changing the way individuals, markets, and governments interact and operate. Digital technologies have become part of our everyday lives. The only constant in the digital world is change, and individuals, businesses, governments, and societies need to adapt quickly to keep up with it. At the same time, a significant proportion of the world’s population – often the poorest and the most vulnerable – do not have access to the digital tools and resources that many of us take for granted. As the world moves to a “digital first” approach to economic activity, it is important to ensure that the digital world is inclusive and equitable, advancing the global development objectives—reducing poverty, increasing human capital, ensuring sustainability and creating opportunities for a better life for all.
Taille du fichier700754 MB
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