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TitreFrom Connectivity to Opportunity: Leveraging regional corridors to support growth and development in Guinea
Date de publication2023
ÉditeurThe World Bank
Nombre de pages2023
RésuméThe objectives of this study are to (1) assess the impact of regional and internal connectivity on jobs and access to services and (2) to provide recommendations for policy reforms and investments. This analysis uses quantitative and qualitative approaches to understand the opportunities that better connectivity provides for secondary cities in Guinea,what factors might constrain the potential for growth and,how policy makers at different levels of government should respond to maximize the benefits of economic corridors. This analysis also aims to provide a better understanding of the relative impact of transport improvements and direct trade facilitation reforms. Finally, the study assesses complementary reforms, investments, and overall policies to develop practical and implementable recommendations that could be deployed to enhance the returns to better trade and connectivity to urban areas in Guinea.
Taille du fichier10890893 MB
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