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TitreStrategies for Factoring Growth in Africa
AuteurAwani, Kanayo
ThèmeFactoring in Africa
Date de publication2015
Nombre de pages3 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésMarket access and African Factors, Financing and Guarantees, Financing Solutions for SMEs, African Trade, International Factoring Market
RésuméThe development and promotion of factoring in Africa has gained strong momentum in recent years, thanks to the important work being done by the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank). For the past few years, the continental trade finance institution has placed strong focus on making factoring a strategic priority and on turning it into a driving force for African trade. Afreximbank, which was established in 1993, promotes factoring as an alternative instrument to traditional commercial loans in the support and financing of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). As such, it has spared no effort in working to ensure that factoring not only gains root in the continent but that it is able to thrive despite the many challenges. The Bank has anchored its support on an approach that exposes African factors to the international factoring market and that influences the creation of a favourable environment for factoring in Africa.
Détenteur du copyrightAfreximbank
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Taille du fichier1234509 MB
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