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TitreA Bank for the World: Better Terms and Conditions for Global Public Goods
AuteurRanil Dissanayake, Amanda Glassman, Clemence Landers, Eleni Smitham
ThèmeClimate FinanceMultilateral Development BanksWorld Bank
Date de publication2022
ÉditeurCenter for Global Development
Nombre de pages6
RésuméThe problems facing our world today defy borders. Combatting climate change, preserving nature and biodiversity, and reducing pandemic risks are now at the top of the global agenda. These risks and those associated with global bads such as pollution, conflict, and disasters disproportionately affect the poorest and most vulnerable, and join well-established issues of accumulating physical, human, and institutional capital as part of the development mission. As these threats evolve, there is also a growing rationale for taking a global public goods (GPGs) approach to tackling them.[1]
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