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TitreRemitSCOPE: Kenya Country Diagnostic
AuteurInternational Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Thèmeremittance market, pandemic
Date de publication2022
ÉditeurInternational Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
Nombre de pages76
RésuméThis diagnostic provides an assessment of Kenya’s remittance market, especially in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, using a market-oriented approach. It includes a supply side analysis as well as a review of three key inbound corridors. The findings and recommendations of this diagnostic study will inform the road map being designed for a prioritized approach to interventions and the achievement of PRIME Africa goals. It is envisaged that funding will be made available to the public and private sectors for road map implementation.
Taille du fichier4682136 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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