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Titre2023 Africa Think Tank Summit
Date de publication2023
Nombre de pages5
Mots clésLinking Evidence, Policies, and Practice to Support the Implementation of the AfCFTA Agreement
RésuméThis is a communique for the African Capacity Building (ACBF) 9th Think Tank Summit. The participants of the 9th Africa Think Tank Summit, convened in Lusaka, Zambia under the theme “Linking Evidence, Policies, and Practice to Support the Implementation of the AfCFTA Agreement,” have gathered to deliberate on key issues and challenges related to the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) and its successful implementation. The main objective was to bring together researchers, policymakers, practitioners (including the private sector), and stakeholders from across Africa to deliberate on the critical role of evidence, policies, and practice in supporting the effective implementation of the AfCFTA Agreement.
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