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TitleValue for Money Assessment Oxfam South Africa Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES) Capacity Building component
AuthorBesley, Michelle
SubjectValue for Money
Date of Publication2016
PublisherAustralia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES)
Number of Pages48 pages
Geographical CoverageSouth Africa
KeywordsMoney, Money and Economy, Money and Efficiency, Money and Effectiveness, Money and Equity, Value For Money assessment, Value For Money Assessment Tool
AbstractOxfam’s AACES program in South Africa was selected for this process as the program team sought to build on previous work undertaken around Value for Money (VfM) as part of the AACES Mid-Term Review (MTR). It also saw this as an opportunity to undertake in-depth analysis of its capacity building work to AACES NGO partners and identify learnings and recommendations to take forward during the final phase of the program and use in the end of program report. Due to the large scale and complexity of the program, clear parameters were put in place to make the VfM assessment manageable. This VfM assessment examines the capacity development support provided by Oxfam in South Africa to implementing partners through the AACES program. It does not aim to provide a VfM assessment across the whole AACES program in South Africa. The assessment was undertaken towards the end of the program period, prior to the final program report. It was carried out by an external consultant and provides an independent assessment. The assessment used common evaluative methodologies including: a desktop review of program documentation; a Focus Group Discussion with Oxfam South Africa program staff; and an NGO partner questionnaire completed by five AACES NGO partners. The questionnaire sought partner feedback regarding the quality, appropriateness and impact of Oxfam’s capacity building support. The overall Value for Money of the AACES capacity building program component is excellent. Oxfam in South Africa has invested and appropriately used resources to ensure it has successfully built the capacity of its NGO partners to integrate WASH into their programs. It has selected the “right partners” who were able to reach and provide WASH services to a range of vulnerable groups and supported them to link and learn collectively to integrate WASH. The programming approach of supporting the wider organisational capacity development of partners in rights-based community programming and advocacy, rather than solely focusing on building partner’s technical expertise in WASH was found to be appropriate. As a result, the investment in non-WASH related organisational capacity building support was central to strengthening the organisational architecture that supports partners to effectively deliver WASH. Overall, the investment has been well directed towards the achievement of program objectives.
Copyright HolderAustralia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES)
Filesize671633 MB
File FormatPDF
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