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TitreTHE IMPERATIVE TO STRENGHTEN OUR UNION: Report on Proposed Recommendations for the institutional Reform of the African Union
AuteurAtindehou, Roger
ThèmeRegional Economic Integration and Development
Date de publication2017
Nombre de pages20
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésAfrican Union, Institutional reform of the African Union (AU), Regional Economic Communities (RECs), Agenda 2063 , Paul Kagame
RésuméIn the quest to address pressing development challenges facing the continent, the African Union leadership has decided to accelerate the ongoing reform of the Union. Following the successful adoption of the Kigali Decision on Financing the African Union, the 27th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State decided to entrust the task of preparing a report on the proposed way forward to President Paul Kagame of Rwanda. To this end, President Kagame appointed a pan-African advisory team to assist with the review. The Report on Proposed Recommendations for the institutional Reform of the African Union was presented to the AU Assembly in January 2017. It is against this backdrop of reform of the Union that the AU Summit of January 2017 granted to ACBF the status of Specialized Agency for capacity development. These new developments altogether offer further opportunity for ACBF to increase its relevance to the Continent in general and to the AU Commission in particular.
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