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TitreThe Challenges of Knowledge Harvesting and the Promotion of Sustainable Development for the Achievement of the MDGs in Africa
AuteurHanson, Kobena; Kararach, George
ThèmeKnowledge Management
Date de publication2011
Nombre de pages20 pages
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésCapacity Development, Globalisation, Knowledge Harvesting, MDGs, Sustainable Development
RésuméIn the present global economy, knowledge production is taking place at a fast pace. Knowledge is also becoming obsolete rapidly. For Africa to compete globally, it is imperative that it not only has access to global knowledge, but more importantly, it needs to harvest and harness existing local knowledge systematically. While a wealth of information and knowledge exists on the continent thus shaping local development daily, such knowledge tends to be fragmented and often inaccessible to local development partners. Drawing on the ACBF's operational experience, this article argues that seeking ways to creatively make this knowledge readily accessible to key decision/policy-makers is central to managing innovation, promoting sustainable development and the achievement of the MDGs in Africa
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