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TitreWhy Europe Should Build Legal Migration Pathways with Nigeria
AuteurSamik Adhikari , Michael Clemens , Helen Dempster and Nkechi Linda Ekeator
Date de publication2021
ÉditeurCenter for Global Development
Nombre de pages8
Mots clésEurope, Africa, Migration, Displacement, and Humanitarian Policy, Economics of Migration
RésuméThe youth population within Nigeria is rapidly increasing, but despite their high levels of education and skills, many are struggling to find meaningful work opportunities at home. At the same time, Europe’s working-age population is declining, resulting in employers in these countries facing large and persistent skill shortages within a range of mid-skill professions. This brief focuses on the first part of this equation, the why: understanding the opportunity that lies before us to better link the labor markets of Nigeria and Europe and the innovation that could do just that.
Taille du fichier324455 MB
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