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TitreRegional Integration Policies to Support Job Creation for Africa's Burgeoning Youth Population
AuteurKararach, George; Hanson, Kobena ; Léautier, Frannie A.
ThèmeRegional Economic Integration and Development
Date de publication2011
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésYouth and Employment, Green Economy, Infrastructure Development, Regional Integration, Rural-Urban Nexus Youth Unemployment, Job Creation, Youth Development
RésuméThe future of Africa is clearly regional and in the hands of its young people. The Continent boasts close to a billion people, a wealth of natural resources and rare minerals, abundant and under-utilized arable land and unique growth and market opportunities. Africa is going through a youth bulge with more people under 25 than above 50 in all of it's countries. Creating opportunities for the burgeoning number of youth is a challenge that cannot be solved only at the country level. Unemployment and underemployment as well as poverty levels among young people remain unacceptably high despite efforts by national governments to promote sustainable development.
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