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TitleAfrica Capacity Report 2019: Fostering Transformative Leadership for Africa’s Development
SubjectCapacity Development
Date of Publication2019
Number of Pages276 pages
Geographical CoverageAfrica
KeywordsLeadership, Transformative Leadership, Agenda 2063, Africa Capacity Index, Africa's Development, H.E. Paul Kagame, Leadership and Capacity Building, Strategic leadership capacities, Leadership and transformation, Political leadership capacity development
AbstractThe Africa Capacity Report 2019 (ACR 2019), with Foreword authored by President Paul Kagame of Rwanda and chair of the African Union until this January 2019, provides a snapshot of leadership capacity in Africa based on independent survey data from over 46 African countries. ACR 2019 addresses the capacity dimensions of transformative leadership both in public and private sectors. It looks at the major elements of transformative leadership in Africa, highlights the leadership capacity gaps related to achieving sustainable development on the continent, and identifies strategies for addressing them. Most importantly, ACR 2019 offers concrete recommendations for improving performance, combining both technical elements and the mindset changes that are necessary for success. Finally, the Report calls for increased investment in leadership capacity development at all levels, especially in government service.
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