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SubjectEducational Transformation
Date of Publication2017063
PublisherAfrican Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Number of Pages10 pages
Geographical CoverageUganda, Kenya, Tanzania
KeywordsEducation in Africa, Out-of-school children, Education for All Global Monitoring
AbstractAcross East Africa, near universal enrollment has been achieved in primary education. Concern has, however, been raised about quality. From conception in 2009, UWEZO – taken from a Kiswahili word for capability – has shifted attention from schooling inputs to learning outcomes. This case study focuses on the UWEZO approach to learning assessment in Tanzania, Kenya, and Uganda, with objectives of showcasing the innovative approach that has shown some strong results in improving the quality of education in the three countries. Key findings. Fewer children in developing countries are out of school but more schooling has not resulted in greater learning. Youth are leaving school and entering the workforce without the knowledge or skills necessary to adapt to a competitive and increasingly globalized economy. Key lessons. Establishing a student assessment system is critical. Ad hoc assessment can offer a snapshot of learning and a useful indicator of student learning and achievement but a sustained, systematic approach to assessment is key to monitoring, analyzing, and improving student learning and achievement levels. Main recommendations. Stakeholders in the region and Africa more widely should support efforts to ensure children are learning effectively. It is important for education stakeholder to ensure that education systems in Africa are reaching the unreachable – the rural and poor communities – and to provide quality education for all with an emphasis on reaching out-of-school children. Equally important is to conduct periodical learning assessments, share, and act on the results. African countries are also encouraged to participate in the global learning assessments such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). Only a few countries are doing so (Botswana, Ghana, Morocco, South Africa, and Tunisia).
Copyright HolderAfrican Community of Practice (AfCoP)
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