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TitreACBF Annual Report 2020
ThèmeAnnual Report
Date de publication2021
ÉditeurAfrican Capacity Building Foundation
Nombre de pages51
RésuméThe Annual report highlights activities that were carried out by the African Capacity Building Foundation. During 2020, ACBF was challenged to innovate in optimizing its human and financial resource management, identifying and managing strategic, operational, and sustainability risks, and providing strong procurement and logistical support to the Foundation’s activities. In early March 2020, the Foundation developed a Pandemic Response Policy and a Covid–19 Response Plan, which guided the Foundation’s operations throughout the year. Stringent measures to monitor the operational environment were put in place at the Headquarters and decentralized offices to ensure the safety and security of staff in the face of the Covid–19 pandemic. Despite the circumstances, ACBF adapted and moved swiftly to deliver on the five pillars of the Strategy 2017–2021.
Taille du fichier17564504 MB
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Consulter le médiathécaire 960 documents, last updated Thu Jul 18, 2024
© 2015 Fondation pour le renforcement des capacités en Afrique| Tous droits réservés. ISSN: 2310-7960