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TitleACBF 2013 Annual Report
SubjectCapacity Development
Date of Publication2014
Number of Pages32 pages
Geographical CoverageAfrica
KeywordsMeasuring Impact and Focusing on Results, Evaluation of the ACBF Policy Units and Think Tanks, Africa Community of Practice (AfCOP), Knowledge Networks
AbstractThe year 2013 was an a typical one for African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) in many respects. The Foundation celebrated 22 years of shaping Africa's development agenda through its support of improved policymaking processes at a time when its own long term sustainability was challenged. A new way of doing business had to be adopted to balance steadily increasing demands from African countries for capacity building and a slow flow of resources due to delays in disbursements of pledges made by the Foundation's multilateral partners. For the first time, the Board of Governors (BoG) set up a permanent committee focused on resource mobilization. Operationalising this Committee remains one of the top priorities of the Foundation. Despite the challenges faced in 2013, including hard restructuring choices, I remain optimistic that 2014 will see us grow our capacity building initiatives in support of Africa's transformation drive.
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