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TitrePromoting job-rich urbanisation in Zambia
ThèmeEmployment Creation
Date de publication2016
ÉditeurZambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR)
Nombre de pages53 pages
Couverture géographiqueZambia
Mots clésJobs, Urbanisation and Employment, Economic Growth
RésuméAs the 21st century unfolds, the inevitability that a growing share of people will live in cities is juxtaposed with deep uncertainty about what the urban future holds – particularly in the rapidly urbanizing countries of the global South. Will increasing levels of urbanization coincide with an expansion of economic opportunity and productive employment? Will cities of the future – as many have in the past – create pathways for social and economic mobility? Or will a “pathological” form of urbanization develop, where city growth is not accompanied by the creation of productive jobs with appropriate remuneration, basic social protections, and opportunities for upward mobility?
Détenteur du copyrightZambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR)
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Taille du fichier976231 MB
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