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AuteurCheelo, Caesar; llunga, Chipampe M.
ThèmeEmployment Creation
Date de publication201807
ÉditeurZambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR)
Nombre de pages24 pages
Couverture géographiqueZambia
Mots clésZambia Economic Stabilisation and Growth Programme
RésuméAll around the world, labour employment is seen as a fundamental activity for earning incomes and securing livelihoods for people and families. Economies are therefore often preoccupied with the business of creating of jobs. They are also usually equally preoccupied with measuring and tracking the progress with which they create the jobs. This is largely done towards building an understanding about how to enhance the welfare of workers and their families. In Zambia, 42% of the total 2014 population – estimated at 15 million inhabitants – formed the labour force (CSO and MLSS, 2015). The unemployment rate – defined based on the Central Statistical Office (CSO) methodology applied at that time – stood at 7.4% of the labour force, implying a relatively high rate of employment (92.6% for formal and informal employment combined). However, only 16.1% of those employed held formal jobs or were formally employed
Détenteur du copyrightZambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR)
Copyright URL
Taille du fichier1210711 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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