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TitleFood Systems in Africa: Rethinking the Role of Markets
AuthorGaëlle Balineau, Arthur Bauer, Martin Kessler, and Nicole Madariaga
SubjectFood systems, Electricity Access in Sub-Saharan Africa, Social Safety Nets
Date of Publication2021
PublisherWorld Bank
Number of Pages167
KeywordsSub-Saharan Africa, Food Markets
AbstractThis volume examines food systems in three West African cities—Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), Rabat-Salé-Témara (Morocco), and Niamey (Niger). The authors discuss major trends such as the rapid uptake of information and communications technologies by the food value chain, the effects of such technologies, the rapid development of supermarkets, and the risks associated with climate change and poor governance—trends that call for thinking about tomorrow’s food systems today. Th is book was originally published in French in 2020, by Agence française de developpement, under the title Les systèmes agroalimentaires en Afrique: repenser le rôle des marchés. In case of discrepancies, the French-language version will govern.
ISBN/ISSNISBN (electronic): 978-1-4648-1589-8
Filesize4438344 MB
File FormatPDF
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