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TitreCreating and wasting fiscal space: Zambian fiscal performance 2002–2011
AuteurWhitworth, Alan
ThèmeFiscal management
Date de publication2012
ÉditeurZambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR)
Nombre de pages4 pages
Couverture géographiqueZambia
Mots clésEconomic Growth, Fiscal Discipline, Fiscal Deficits, Debt and Interest
RésuméFollowing three decades of economic mismanagement and decline, Zambia has experienced sustained economic growth since the turn of the century. The combination of rapid growth, reduced public expenditure, increased mining taxation and debt relief helped the Government establish fiscal discipline and reduce fiscal deficits and debt to sustainable levels. As a result, fiscal space has grown significantly and Zambia is no longer aid dependent. In addition, lower domestic public borrowing has helped cut inflation and interest rates and has reduced crowding out of private sector borrowing. These developments would normally be expected to lead to significant poverty reduction. However, by 2010 there had been little improvement in poverty. This is partly due to fiscal space being wasted on ill-­‐designed agriculture policies and uneconomic road paving projects of little benefit to the poor.
Détenteur du copyrightZambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR)
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Taille du fichier907009 MB
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