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TitreUnmasking and Tackling the Illicit Tobacco Trade in Benin: A Call for Enhanced Surveillance and Enforcement
Date de publication2023
Nombre de pages04 pages
RésuméThe illicit tobacco trade in Benin is a significant problem, contributing to public health issues, economic losses, and undermining anti-tobacco efforts. This study identifies a vast network of traders, transporters, and informers of illicit tobacco trade, particularly prevalent in certain border towns (Kétou, Bassila, Kalalé and Djidja, accounting for over 70% of transactions), with the majority of smuggled products being cigarettes, raw tobacco, and tobacco powder. Based on these findings, it is recommended to increase the capacity of customs, police, and gendarmerie to detect and prevent illicit tobacco trade, particularly in identified hotspots.
Taille du fichier1115091 MB
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