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TitleSOLAR ENERGY An opportunity for affordable and clean energy for all
SubjectSolar Energy
Date of Publication2017058
PublisherAfrican Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Number of Pages7 pages
Geographical CoverageTanzania
KeywordsClean Energy
AbstractThe majority of communities and households in African countries do not have access to clean and affordable power—often due to high cost, especially in rural areas—undermining their quality of life in education and health. Yet Africa has abundant and underexploited renewable energy sources, including solar energy. This case study presents a success story from Tanzania on the use of solar power to improve lives in rural and semi-urban communities. It shows the efforts of Off-Grid Electric in combining information and communication technologies with solar energy to provide affordable and smart energy services in African communities. Key findings: Solar energy has increased access to clean energy to more people and to the neediest, contributing to the well-being and safety of households and individuals, and largely fulfilling the objectives of Sustainable Development Goals. By end-March 2015, Off-Grid Electric systems were in use in over 10,000 households in rural Arusha, bringing benefits such as access to high-quality light for study and relaxation, increased safety and security, and direct and indirect (often part-time) jobs for more than 45,000 people. The company also created direct and indirect employment for more than 15,000 young people in rural areas. Solar light has provided safer and brighter homes, enabling children to study and perform better at school. Likewise savings made by households formerly using kerosene can be put to other uses. Many families consider solar lights to have improved their quality of life. Main lessons: Well-designed programs for access to energy can improve livelihoods of communities especially the rural ones, boost job creation and enable poor rural people to contribute to economic development. The case study demonstrates that shifting from a government monopoly of energy sector to a more open market approach can increase access to clean energy and improve the living conditions of the population. Therefore, public-private partnerships are essential to design and develop affordable and sustainable services in key sectors like energy. Key recommendations: African states should foster coherence in addressing access to energy for all and should therefore collaboratively invest in solar energy plants and local manufacturing of spare parts, and promote social enterprises in solar energy. At national and regional levels, African leaders and policy makers should also establish an enabling environment and develop efficient strategies and programs that facilitate investments from private sector into the energy sector. African capacity building organizations can provide the necessary knowledge and support to governments in designing, financing and implementing the appropriate programs and strategies
Copyright HolderAfrican Community of Practice (AfCoP)
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Filesize517798 MB
File FormatPDF
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