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TitreThe COVID -19 Crisis: Accentuating the Need to Bridge Digital Divides
ThèmeCOVID 19
Date de publication2020
Nombre de pages7
Couverture géographiqueAfrica
Mots clésCOVID 19 Pandemic, Digital Economy and COVID 19
RésuméThe spread of the latest strain of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is disrupting economic and social life in multiple ways and dimensions. This crisis is unfolding at a time characterized by rapid digitalization, which is helping in the decision-making process regarding response and adaptations to the situation by governments, businesses and consumers. However, differences in digital readiness hamper the ability of large parts of the world to take advantage of these technologies. Multilateralism is vital in a world facing critical development challenges.
Détenteur du copyrightUNCTAD
Copyright URL
Taille du fichier1767757 MB
Format du fichierPDF
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