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original document
Title: Jobless Economic Growth in Africa: Is There a Role for Agriculture?..
Author: Hanson, Kobena; Léautier, Frannie A.
Publisher: Journal of African Development
Subject: Employment, Agriculture, Economic Growth
Date of Publication: 2013
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Author: Léautier, Frannie A. ; Hanson, Kobena
Subject: Economic Growth, Unemployment
Date of Publication: 2013
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original document
Title: A journey in ACBF Procurement Journey One: “Let’s Embark”..
Author: Ghazalli, Rym
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: Procurement
Date of Publication: 20170929
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: L'ACBF en Bref..
Author: ACBF
Subject: Capacity Development
Date of Publication: 2012
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original document
Title: L’affacturage comme catalyseur du développement des petites et moyennes entreprises et du commerce intra-africain..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Date of Publication: 2023
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: L'affacturage pour changer la donne : autonomiser les PME dans le contexte de la ZLECAf..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Date of Publication: 2024
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: L’Affacturage pour Soutenir le Commerce en Afrique : Défis et Opportunités pour la Croissance par le Renforcement des Capacités..
Author: Fondation pour le renforcement des capacités en Afrique
Publisher: Fondation pour le renforcement des capacités en Afrique
Subject: commerce, L’Accord de la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine (ZLECAf),Les petites et moyennes entreprises (PME),L’Affacturage
Date of Publication: 2021
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: La fuite des cerveaux en Afrique : Résoudre le problème de capacités relatif à la migration dans le secteur médicale au Malawi..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: La fuite des cerveaux en Afrique
Date of Publication: 2018
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original document
Publisher: Centre Autonome d'Etudes et de Renforcement des capacités pour le Développement au Togo
Subject: tabac
Date of Publication: 201802
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Leadership, Capacity Building and Sustainable Development in Contemporary Africa..
Author: Ahmed, Allam; Hanson, Kobena
Subject: Capacity Development
Date of Publication: 2011
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original document
Author: ACBF
Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Subject: Leadership transformation
Date of Publication: 2017076
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Turning environmental problems into economic opportunities—a story of rural African woman entrepreneur, Case Study No. 24..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Subject: Women and Leadership
Date of Publication: 2016024
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Learning note: The Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES)..
Author: Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES)
Publisher: Australia Africa Community Engagement Scheme (AACES)
Subject: Community Development
Date of Publication: 2016
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original document
Title: Le défi du chômage des jeunes en Afrique..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: chômage des jeunes
Date of Publication: 2016
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original document
Title: Legal services to the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)..
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Le Rapport sur les Capacités en Afrique 2019 (RICA 2019) Encourager le leadership transformateur pour le développement de l’Afrique..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: Leadership et transformation
Date of Publication: 2019
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Le rôle des technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) dans le développement durable et inclusif de l’Afrique : comprendre les dés de capacités..
Author: Très Honorable Dr Saulos Klaus Chilima
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: technologies de l’information et de la communication
Date of Publication: 2016
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Les impératifs de capacités pour la mobilisation des ressources intérieures..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: mobilisation des ressources intérieures
Date of Publication: 2015
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Les impératifs de capacités pour la riposte contre les pandémies : bâtir des systèmes de santé résilients et assurer la transformation socio-économique en Afrique...
Author: ACBF
Publisher: Fondation pour le Renforcement des Capacités en Afrique, Banque Islamique de développement
Date of Publication: 2021
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Les impératifs de capacités pour l’atteinte des Objectifs de développement durable, en conformité avec l’Agenda 2063 de l’Union africaine...
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: Objectifs de développement durable (ODD)
Date of Publication: 2019
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original document
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Date of Publication: 20171009
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Les règles d'origine de la ZLECAf : Importance et impact sur l'interface de l'affacturage des PME..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: ZLECAf, règles d'origine, PME, affacturage, chaînes de valeur régionales, industrie de l'habillement textile en coton, commerce intra-africain
Date of Publication: 2024
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: LESSONS FROM PAST PAN-AFRICAN POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC VISIONS OF DEVELOPMENT An analysis of Agenda 2063 implementation, Case Study No. 39..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF)
Subject: Development
Date of Publication: 2016039
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Lessons Notes on Capacity Development in Africa..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: Capacity Development
Date of Publication: 2018
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Lessons Notes on Capacity Development in Africa..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Subject: Capacity Development
Date of Publication: 2018
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Let Them Eat Carbon..
Author: Vijaya Ramachandran and Arthur Baker
Publisher: Center for Global Development
Subject: Climate change
Date of Publication: 2022
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original document
Title: Leveraging Excise Tax for Tobacco Control: A Strategy for Reducing Consumption and Improving Public Health in Uganda..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Date of Publication: 2023
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original document
Title: Leveraging Knowledge Generation for Policy Impact: Recommendations for the World Bank..
Author: Amanda Glassman , Julia Kaufman , Ruth Levine and Janeen Madan Keller
Publisher: Center for Global Development
Subject: Aid Effectiveness, EvaluationGovernments and Development, World Bank, Evaluating Health Programs
Date of Publication: 2022
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original document
Title: Leveraging Price Elasticity to Curb Tobacco Consumption in Botswana: A Strategy for Healthier Outcomes..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Date of Publication: 2023
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original document
Title: Leveraging Resource Wealth During the Low Carbon Transition. Africa’s Pulse, No. 27 (April)..
Publisher: World Bank
Date of Publication: 2023
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Libérer le potentiel : solutions d'affacturage pour les PME sur le marché de la ZLECAf..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Date of Publication: 2024
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original document
Title: ..
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original document
Title: Local Territories, their Power and their Actions: Development as a Weapon for Peace..
Author: D’Alessandro, Cristina Dr.
Subject: Development Policy
Date of Publication: 2011
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original document
Title: L’état du renforcement des capacités en Afrique..
Author: Tsafack Nanfosso, Roger
Subject: Capacity Development
Date of Publication: 2011
[ original document ] [ document information ]
original document
Title: Lutter contre le commerce illicite du tabac au Sénégal: stratégies pour améliorer la santé publique et la stabilité économique..
Author: ACBF
Publisher: ACBF
Date of Publication: 2023
[ original document ] [ document information ]

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