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 | Title: Decolonising Knowledge for Development in the Covid-19 Era.. Author: Peter Taylor and Crystal Tremblay Publisher: Institute of Development Studies Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Deepening Integration in SADC: Botswana - A Benchmark for the Region.. Author: Tabengwa, G.G ; Salkin, J Publisher: Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA) Subject: Regional Economic Integration and Development Date of Publication: 2012 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: De la vision à la réalité : stimuler les PME grâce à l'affacturage à l'ère de la ZLECAf.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Kinshasa’s Path Towards Resilient Urban Development.. Author: World Bank Publisher: World Bank Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Determinants of cigarette smoking and smoking intensity among male adults in Rwanda... Author: Institute of Policy Analysis and Research Publisher: Institute of Policy Analysis and Research Subject: Tobacco Control Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
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 | Title: DEVELOPING RESULTS LEADERS FOR AFRICA TRANSFORMATION The East African Uongozi School Experience.. Author: ACBF Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Transformative Leadership Date of Publication: 2017066 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
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 | Title: Development Effectiveness in the “New Normal”: What Do the Changing Roles and Purposes of ODA Mean for the Effectiveness Agenda? .. Author: Rachael Calleja and Beata Cichocka Publisher: Center for Global Development Subject: Europe ProgrammeAid Effectiveness, Governments and Development, Sustainable Development Finance, International Institutions Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Development Research in Practice: THE DIME ANALYTICS DATA HANDBOOK.. Author: Kristoffer Bjärkefur, Luíza Cardoso de Andrade, Benjamin Daniels, Maria Ruth Jones Publisher: World Bank [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Défis et opportunités de coordination pour l’adaptation climatique dans l’agriculture africaine.. Author: African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Publisher: ACBF Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
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 | Title: A Digest of OAU-AU Treaties, Conventions, and Agreements, 1963 to 2014.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: International Treaties Date of Publication: 2015 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Digital agriculture in action – Artificial intelligence for agriculture.. Author: FAO and ITU Publisher: FAO, ITU Date of Publication: 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Digital-in-Health: Unlocking the Value for Everyone.. Author: World Bank Publisher: World Bank Subject: Health Date of Publication: 2023 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Digital Progress and Trends Report 2023.. Author: World Bank Publisher: World Bank Subject: DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES, DIGITALIZATION, DIGITAL DIVIDE Date of Publication: 2024 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
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 | Title: Digital Taxation: can it contribute to more just resource mobilisation in post-pandemic reconstruction? .. Author: Raymond Onuoha and Alison Gillwald Publisher: Research ICT Africa Subject: Digital Taxation, resource mobilisation Date of Publication: 2022 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Digital technology and agricultural markets.. Author: Ivan Đuric’ Publisher: FAO Date of Publication: 2020 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Digital trends in Africa 2021: Information and communication technology trends and developments in the Africa region 2017-2020.. Author: International Telecommunication Union Publisher: International Telecommunication Union Subject: ICT Date of Publication: 2021 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Dimensions politiques et institutionnelles de l'économie politique en Afrique à l’ère de la mondialisation.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: l'économie politique en Afrique Date of Publication: 2017 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Disaster Risk Reduction in the Era of Climate Change, SDGs and Industry 4.0 (4IR .. Author: Nhamo, Godwell Prof (PhD) Publisher: Prof Godwell Nhamo Subject: Disaster Risk Reduction Date of Publication: 201910 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
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 | Title: The distribution of household income and the middle class in Zambia.. Author: ZIPAR Publisher: Zambia Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (ZIPAR) Subject: Income Inequality Date of Publication: 2013 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Document de discussion du Conseil des gouverneurs de l’ACBF: L’accès aux fonds pour le développement : les capacités requises pour la mobilisation et l’absorption des ressources.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: mobilisation et l’absorption des ressources Date of Publication: 20170912 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
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 | Title: Doing Business 2020 : Comparing Business Regulation in 190 Economies.. Author: World Bank Publisher: World Bank Date of Publication: 2020 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
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 | Title: DOMESTIC RESOURCE MOBILIZATION IN AFRICA: AN OVERVIEW OF THE USE OF ELECTRONIC FISCAL DEVICE IN VAT COLLECTION IN MALAWI, Case Study No. 41.. Author: ACBF Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: DOMESTIC RESOURCE MOBILIZATION - MALAWI Date of Publication: 2016041 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
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 | Title: Donor Coordination in a Fragile States of Africa: Capacity Building for Peace and Poverty Reduction.. Author: Kedir, Abbir. M Subject: Development Aid Date of Publication: 2011 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Drivers of Economic Growth in Africa.. Author: ACBF Publisher: ACBF Subject: Economic Growth Date of Publication: 20171009 [ original document ] [ document information ] |
 | Title: Driving Private Investment in African Agriculture: Grow Africa.. Author: ACBF Publisher: African Community of Practice on Management for Development result at the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) Subject: Investment and Agriculture Date of Publication: 2017071 [ original document ] [ document information ] |